In 1992 Joao Da Costa and Tony Pattichides embarked on a venture, opening a used car parts dealer specialising in Volkswagen spare parts. What started with just a few vehicles being dismantled grew to a point where sufficient accident damaged vehicles could not be found. This led to them sourcing new parts, not an easy task in Africa. Fortunately, that didn’t stop them, and they started importing parts from German Manufacturers. The founders are actively involved in the day – to – day operations of the company. Their insight and expertise has enabled Goldwagen to evolve into a significant participant in the vehicle replacement parts industry.
Franchise Opportunity
Franchising is simply a method for expanding a business and distributing goods and services through a licensing relationship. In franchising, franchisors (a person or company that grants the license to a third party for the conducting of a business under their marks) not only specify the products and services that will be offered by the franchisees (a person or company who is granted the license to do business under the trademark and trade name by the franchisor), but also provide them with an operating system, brand and support.