Cash Converters

49 Market Street
George, Western Cape
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In the beginning

Our story started with one store in Perth, Australia in 1984. Over the next four years we established seven outlets in the metropolitan area, with seven partners each holding equity in their respective stores. The franchise model as it exists today was launched in June 1988 with massive success. The rest, as they say, is history.

A Southern African Success Story

We have grown to nearly 100 stores in Southern African. Not bad considering we started out as a family affair with 7 stores in Australia. We can be found in the Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal, Limpopo, Mpumulanga, North West, Western Cape and Namibia.

We’re not the only thing growing in South Africa, the second-hand goods sector is growing rapidly too. Research shows a growth in the number of South African consumers shopping at second-hand stores. We believe we’ve contributed significantly towards this trend with our modern, safe and friendly stores.

How We’re Driving Second-hand Retail Growth

As we have expanded so has our expertise, and our buy shops are able to thoroughly evaluate every item before we buy it. We provide a fair price and operate a strict no tolerance policy on stolen goods. All sales are recorded on CCTV and accompanied by proof of ID, to support our policy. This helps us ensure the products on our shelves are top notch.

As part of our mission to ensure that our customers always have more cash in their pockets, we became a registered financial lender. We are authorised to provide fast and easy cash loans for our customers, which include Cash Advance, a one month loan against your valuables, and Sunny Day PayDay Advance and Sunny Day 1 | 2 | 3 Mini-Loans, small short-term loans against a customer’s salary.

Our stores are modern and meet contemporary shopping expectations, located in busy retail spaces. Unlike traditional second-hand shops that are often dark and uninviting, Cash Converters stores are well lit, and a welcoming environment to shop in. Our stores are safer and more convenient than buying and selling online.