Business Partners
Momtrepreneurs Map Their Own Destinies
4 August 2017 by Gugu Mjadu
Women are increasingly starting small enterprises from the comfort oftheir own homes.
While some of these women may be required to seek self-employment for financial necessity, many are being driven by the desire for flexibility and the independence to spend more time with their children.
This has given rise to the coined phrase, the ‘momtrepreneur’, which is a term used to refer to stay-at-home mothers who have established their own businesses. These women are increasingly finding ways to express their interests and creativity, and while doing so, they earn an income and also have the opportunity to spend time with their children.
An increase in eCommerce spells opportunities for momtrepreneurs. Consumers don’t only purchase goods online, but are also purchasing services from external providers via online platforms. This in turn is leading to numerous opportunities for stay-at-home moms, who can now compete with larger companies. This is driving the trend of the momtrepreneur, as it is now simpler and easier to start and run a business from home.
Being a momtrepreneur isn’t without its challenges though. She need to be able to balance the stress of managing motherhood while running a business, which can be demanding.
A strong work-life balance is especially important in this case. Entrepreneurs can very quickly get wrapped up in the day-to-day running of a business, especially if they are the only employee, and responsible for everything from admin to sales and implementation. When the entrepreneur is a mother, and has children and a household to look after, balance is even more of a challenge.
Momtrepreneurs should draw up a list of goals both for their business and home life, and keep them top of mind to remain focused.
About the author: Gugu Mjadu is Executive General Manager: Marketing at Business Partners